Peace in the Pain


I’ve written about waiting, of showing God’s love and caring for others by His grace. For over two and a half years, with heart fully committed to the Lord’s leading, I’ve done all I could to work toward reconciliation with my husband: from tough love, setting healthy boundaries, to counseling, offering help when appropriate, along with encouraging and of course, praying. Friends have said that I’ve been faithful and shown more patience and grace than anyone else they’ve met.

Late in March, however, despite my best efforts and prayer, the frustration and pain were so great that I began to realize that this could not be how the Lord intended us to live. Things just couldn’t keep going the way they were, and I sensed from the Lord that the time for waiting was coming to an end.

Sharing my struggles with a close friend, she suggested putting out a “fleece”, similar to what Gideon did (Judges 6:33-40), to confirm what seemed like the right choice. I decided to try it, and the Lord answered.

First I found a shiny penny while on my way home from church. Not knowing the year on it, once at home I prayed, “If it is from this year, then I’ll know it’s okay to divorce [him].” Since it was still only March, it seemed highly unlikely that it would be a 2018 coin, yet it was.

The second answer was after a heavy-duty time of prayer one evening several days later. I left everything on the altar, finally just asking for reassurance that divorce was okay in this case. As I walked into the next room after praying, I heard His still, small voice tell me, “It’s okay. I love you.” Those phrases repeated 3 times.

The third answer was even more profound: I awoke the next morning with an intense headache, mentally wringing my hands over the increasingly awkward and complicated situation with my husband. I desperately wanted to write in my blog, but felt emotionally and physically useless. My heart was broken and without reservation I simply thought this prayer: “If it’s okay to divorce [him], please just take away this headache, and I’ll sit right down and write the blog.” No sooner had I thought those words when my headache evaporated! The unopened bottle of ibuprofen, now unnecessary, still sat on the table. So, true to my word, I promptly grabbed my laptop and posted the April 7th blog entry.

Honestly, divorce was never an option in the past. Many times during arguments the subject would arise, but I immediately dismissed it. Even once I was ready to consider it, the Lord had to tell me three times that it was okay for me to walk away. The decision was not taken lightly, and only came after countless hours of tearful prayer. I’ve gone through several boxes of tissues!

I know God hates divorce, but He allows it because we are imperfect people who live in a fallen world. Yes, we’d made a commitment before God and with each other, but eventually we had to face the fact that it was not ultimately healthy nor honoring to God to remain married. For one thing, as I’ve mentioned in the past, the dysfunctional nature of the relationship and the ongoing stress it caused definitely took its toll on my body – my digestion and anxiety levels in particular have been out of whack for a long time.

What this all came down to is that my relationship with God is important and should be protected above all else. Jesus said “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters – yes, even their own life – such a person cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26. Not that I should actually hate them, but instead I must love the Lord more. My love for God takes precedence over any human loyalties. We are called to love Him with ALL of our heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37). To do that, in this case I needed to walk away.

The divorce was final the day before I wrote my last post. I feel sad and relieved. It was the most difficult decision of my life, but under the pain, there is peace. Here is a poem I wrote about it:

“Peace in the Pain”

There is peace in the pain, calm even in my sorrows;
A rainbow in the rain, hope for our tomorrows.
A new chapter of life because another ends:
I’m no longer a wife, we’re now simply friends.
A decision so daunting, but the Lord walked me through.
So focused, only wanting His will in all I do.
There’s a time to mourn for the good that’s gone,
but joy will be reborn as with courage, we move on.
Missing a piece of my heart, yet my soul is in God’s hand;
I’m making a new start, stepping toward what He’s planned.
Into a future unknown, taking one day at a time;
By grace I don’t walk alone, even as I compose this rhyme!
What was meant for harm, the Lord turns all around,
As I resist the devil’s charm, I’m set on solid ground.
God makes beauty from ashes, bringing comfort in distress;
Rebuilding what Satan trashes, making a message of my mess.
God is working for my best, even through this painful story,
Overall, I’m still so blessed, and all to the Father’s glory!

©Ladeena Ashley

If you’re still reading this, thank you for caring and sticking with me. The negative stigma of divorce, especially in Christian circles, has lessened but there still is an element of judgment. I can’t help that. The Lord knows all about the situation, and by His grace I’ve done my best to walk in His love and according to His wisdom. Now I’m taking the next step into a new chapter of life. God will keep working on us, just not together, and it is healthier for both of us this way.

Blessings to you, this day and always!

Side Note: As you likely noticed, my last name is changed. I went back to my maiden name, which ironically has a better “ring” to it than “Bell”, I think.

©Ladeena Ashley
All Rights Reserved (Blog content and photos)

Open The Floodgates!


More than once, I’ve caught myself comparing my written offerings to those of others, wondering if my life experiences are enough to draw from and carry a blog. Every time, the Lord reminds me that it’s not what I have done in my life, but what Christ has done in me that matters. And He has done a lot!

Coping vs. Living

Growing up in a dysfunctional home, I learned to suppress my feelings, keep the peace, do what was expected and yet not expect much of life or others. This continued long into adulthood, mostly as a way to cope with relationship struggles and difficult circumstances. I also anesthetized myself with music, movies and other happy distractions. Dealing with things was safer than interacting with people. In a nutshell, the life I was living was not really living. Most of the time I was simply surviving.

The Gift of Being Present

Thankfully, the Lord often uses adversity to wake us up. During an extremely challenging season in my personal life these past two years, I had to step completely out of my comfort zone and trust God to lead me every step of what has been the most transforming, healing and rebuilding journey of my life. By His Spirit, God has truly opened the floodgates of my heart! My emotions, once but a trickle, are now a rippling river winding through my days. I’m still getting used to feeling things so strongly, and being vulnerable and “present”. Thankfully the joys usually outnumber the sorrows. In fact, several times I’ve been so filled with God’s love while thanking Him for friends and for how far He’s brought me, that happy tears spring from my eyes and I can’t help but praise Him!

Here’s a poem I wrote during one of many mini transitions; filled with thanksgiving and determination to stay close and keep following His lead.

“Heavenly Hug”

In the middle of a life that’s broken apart
You lifted me up and restored my heart.
Changes, though scary, needed to be done
to abide most fully in the light of the Son.
During this painful season, when many fall,
You strengthen me as I humbly call.
Great joy and freedom when all is at Your feet,
Carried daily by grace with a peace so sweet.
I’m swept up in Your holy embrace —
a heavenly hug that warms every space.
My soul finds rest in Your faithful love;
I’m moving forward with eyes set above.
Resolute to follow, leaning ever near
–Your still, small voice whispers in my ear.
Replacing lies and dysfunction with Your truth.
I’ve more than reclaimed the zeal of my youth!
My Savior and Lord, to You all praises be
— You hold my life together as I rediscover me.

© Ladeena Ashley

I pray that you also know, deep down in your soul, just how long and deep and wide God’s love is for you (Ephesians 3:18). That you can fall on His grace, be healed by His love, draw on His strength and be carried by His peace.

No matter what challenges we face, or what the world throws at us, we are strongest when we trust fully in He who holds the universe in His hands. If not even a sparrow falls without His knowledge (Matthew 10:29-30), how much more does He love you and me?! God doesn’t make mistakes, and His love never fails! Whatever you may be holding onto or holding back today, release it to Him. You won’t regret it!

Extra Credit

Here’s a song that never fails to move me to tears. I sing with it like a prayer to the Lord, because it describes exactly how I feel with Him.

When I’m With You – by Citizen Way   (link opens in a new window)
© Ladeena Ashley
2016 All Rights Reserved (content and blog photos)